Here's a Deal we'll discuss at the What Box? Seminar with Pete & Bill
Published: Sun, 08/12/18
34 days til....Pete Fortunato and Bill Cook teach their Deal-Structuring Course, WHAT BOX? at the Atlanta Airport Marriott on September 15th & 16th,…
Bill & Kim Cook - Real Estate Seminar Event dates.
Published: Sun, 08/12/18
34 days til....Pete Fortunato and Bill Cook teach their Deal-Structuring Course, WHAT BOX? at the Atlanta Airport Marriott on September 15th & 16th,…
Published: Thu, 08/09/18
You ready for another wild and informative weekend with Bill Cook & Pete Fortunato?Pete and Bill will teach their Deal-Structuring Course, WHAT BOX?…
Published: Thu, 08/02/18
You ready for another wild and informative weekend with Bill Cook & Pete Fortunato?Pete and Bill will teach their Deal-Structuring Course, WHAT BOX?…